Saturday, January 23, 2010

it's me according to Shin Chan

my name is wan muhammad farid bin wan kauzi . i am twenty years old . my hobbies is playing ruqby , game and gym's activity . i choose shin chan as my idol because my attitude is like shin chan . i am easy going means like who ever that i meet, i will always can make people easy with me, for the doing the stupid thing, it is a important thing in my life because when the situation become queitly i will make any joke to make people happy and laughing, then i will feel satisfy. Other than that shin chan love to being itchy. it is because i like to serve girls who like to control their attitude too much. and for the happy go lucky is also my soul. for example, i dont like to feel upset or stress because it will make me can't get a friend. As you know, people like friendly and cheerful person . lastly i am a very naughty.So shin chan have all the attitude like i have . hee=p


  1. Nice one! Somehow I think the character reflects your personality. Energetic and cheerful >.<

    p/s: same goes with me..sometimes I hate to get stuck in silence However, I'm not good to crack jokes *sigh*

  2. ahaks.
    really ??
    nway mss.
    every time class bell.
    i have try to crack some joke.
    but i cant.
    cuz lately i got a big problem.
    i always fight with my grlfriend.
    so miss.
    may you give some advice for me??

  3. apam...
    you are such a great brother n love you.. mmuuaahh..
